Hors des sentiers battus

The rolling hills and hot sun make for a challenging ride for which the sea views and remote beaches provide fitting rewards

Gliding across the clear blue water in the hot sun, you welcome the cooling sea water that drips from your rising paddle at every stroke

Stand in your stirrups and lean forward to help your panting mount up the hill, then find yourself looking out over the sparkling sea

Istralandia was voted Europe’s third best aquapark!

Problem solving: how to get from here to there? Life shrinks to a few square meters of rock and movement becomes poetry

Climb and crawl through the dark, discovering magical landscapes as they are revealed by the beam of your headlight

Drift, suspended in silence interrupted only by your own breathing, past the vestiges of vessels and sailors long gone

Istria has a full calendar of road races, trail runs, triathlons and an Iron Man

Three levels of carts, from child to racer, on a challenging road circuit

Enjoy rugged off-road Istria standing on the pegs

Straight roads are rare in Istria, as the path between any two places invariably winds along between mountains and the sea
Passionnés de sports d’aventure, nous nous sommes installés en Istrie afin de pouvoir profiter des activités proposées quotidiennement.
Que ce soit une journée à pied, à cheval, en vélo, de kayak de mer, de plongée sur épave, d’escalade, de spéléologie ou en brûlant les
pneus d’un kart de course, permettez-nous de partager nos conseils d’initiés et de vous présenter les experts locaux qui vous feront vivre
une expérience unique.
Istria, with its rolling green hills, karst cliffs and caves, countless small beaches lapped by some of the cleanest waters in Europe, presents
almost limitless possibilities for outdoor adventure.
As for history, the ebb and flow of contesting empires has left a trail of monuments, from the Roman arena to the fortified medieval hill towns,
not to mention a varied cuisine.
As adventure sport enthusiasts, we moved to Istria so that we can savour the activities on offer every day. Whether it be a day on horseback, sea kayaking, wreck diving, rock climbing, caving or burning the tires off a racing kart, allow us to share our insider tips and introduce you to the local experts who will craft a unique experience for you.